Example notebook

import perfume
import perfume.analyze
import pandas as pd
import bokeh.io
Loading BokehJS ...


To start, set up some functions to benchmark.

import time
import numpy as np

def test_fn_1():
    good = np.random.poisson(20)
    bad = np.random.poisson(100)
    msec = np.random.choice([good, bad], p=[.99, .01])
    time.sleep(msec / 3000.)

def test_fn_1_no_outliers():
    time.sleep(np.random.poisson(20) / 3000.)

def test_fn_2():
    good = np.random.poisson(5)
    bad = np.random.poisson(150)
    msec = np.random.choice([good, bad], p=[.95, .05])
    time.sleep(msec / 3000.)

def test_fn_3():
    msec = max(1, np.random.normal(100, 10))
    time.sleep(msec / 3000.)

numbers = np.arange(0, 1, 1. / (3 * 5000000))

def test_fn_4():
    return np.sum(numbers)

# Create a variable named "samples", in this cell.  This way,
# if we change these functions, we'll reset the samples so we
# don't use old data with changed implementations.
samples = None


Run the benchmark for a while by executing this cell. Since we capture the output data in samples, and pass it back in as an argument, you can interrupt the cell, take a look at the output so far, and then execute this cell again to resume the benchmark.

samples = perfume.bench(test_fn_1, test_fn_2, test_fn_3, test_fn_4,
Descriptive Timing Statistics
function test_fn_1 test_fn_2 test_fn_3 test_fn_4
count 158 158 158 158
mean 7.1 3.42 33.5 13.5
std 2.38 8.59 3.04 2.19
min 3.28 0.548 25.7 8.19
25% 5.91 1.34 31.4 12.9
50% 6.9 1.84 33.6 14.2
75% 7.97 2.35 35.7 14.9
max 30 56.7 41.3 16.9
K-S test
test_fn_2 test_fn_3 test_fn_4
K-S test Z
test_fn_1 8.49 8.83 7.65
test_fn_2 nan 8.61 8.55
test_fn_3 nan nan 8.89
Bucketed K-S test
test_fn_2 test_fn_3 test_fn_4
K-S test Z
test_fn_1 16 22 22
test_fn_2 nan 22 22
test_fn_3 nan nan 22

Analyzing the samples

Let’s look at the format of the output, each function execution gets its begin and end time recorded:

function test_fn_1 test_fn_2 test_fn_3 test_fn_4
timing begin end begin end begin end begin end
0 6.668990e+07 6.668991e+07 6.668991e+07 6.668991e+07 6.668991e+07 6.668994e+07 6.668994e+07 6.668995e+07
1 6.668995e+07 6.668995e+07 6.668995e+07 6.668995e+07 6.668995e+07 6.668998e+07 6.668998e+07 6.668999e+07
2 6.668999e+07 6.669000e+07 6.669000e+07 6.669000e+07 6.669000e+07 6.669004e+07 6.669004e+07 6.669004e+07
3 6.669004e+07 6.669005e+07 6.669005e+07 6.669006e+07 6.669006e+07 6.669009e+07 6.669009e+07 6.669010e+07
4 6.669010e+07 6.669011e+07 6.669011e+07 6.669011e+07 6.669011e+07 6.669014e+07 6.669014e+07 6.669015e+07

One thing we can do is plot each function’s distribution as it develops over simulated time:


We can run a K-S test and see whether our functions are significantly different:

test_fn_2 test_fn_3 test_fn_4
K-S test Z
test_fn_1 8.494414 8.831940 7.650598
test_fn_2 NaN 8.606922 8.550668
test_fn_3 NaN NaN 8.888194

We can convert them to elapsed timings instead of begin/end time points, get resampled timings to see outliers show a stronger presence, or isolate samples to be as if they ran by themselves

timings = perfume.analyze.timings(samples)
bt = perfume.analyze.bucket_resample_timings(samples)
isolated = perfume.analyze.isolate(samples)
function test_fn_1 test_fn_2 test_fn_3 test_fn_4
timing begin end begin end begin end begin end
0 0.000000 7.879083 0.000000 1.532343 0.000000 29.188473 0.000000 9.990919
1 7.879083 13.432623 1.532343 2.720641 29.188473 59.487223 9.990919 19.318506
2 13.432623 21.638016 2.720641 3.269045 59.487223 93.088024 19.318506 28.697242
3 21.638016 29.194047 3.269045 6.157080 93.088024 128.720489 28.697242 39.406731
4 29.194047 34.441334 6.157080 7.378798 128.720489 160.600259 39.406731 48.569794

With these, and other charting libraries, you can do whatever you want with the data:

from bokeh import palettes
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
%matplotlib inline

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16, 9))
for col, color in zip(timings.columns, palettes.Set1[len(timings.columns)]):
    sns.distplot(timings[col], label=col, color=color, ax=ax,
#                  hist_kws=dict(cumulative=True),
#                  kde_kws=dict(cumulative=True)
function test_fn_1 test_fn_2 test_fn_3 test_fn_4
count 158.000000 158.000000 158.000000 158.000000
mean 7.099615 3.423204 33.526883 13.455989
std 2.382655 8.588543 3.039051 2.193190
min 3.280499 0.548404 25.672770 8.190510
25% 5.908776 1.335742 31.432720 12.909524
50% 6.904165 1.840656 33.613588 14.226354
75% 7.966824 2.353760 35.680228 14.863801
max 29.985672 56.681542 41.308623 16.934982
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
timings['test_fn_1'].hist(cumulative=True, normed=1, alpha=0.3)
timings['test_fn_2'].hist(cumulative=True, normed=1, alpha=0.3)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f94c9fa8f28>
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
bt['test_fn_1'].hist(cumulative=True, normed=1, alpha=0.3)
bt['test_fn_2'].hist(cumulative=True, normed=1, alpha=0.3)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f94c9d21a58>
sns.pairplot(timings#, diag_kws={'cumulative': True}
<seaborn.axisgrid.PairGrid at 0x7f94c9ad46a0>
import scipy.stats
bt = perfume.analyze.bucket_resample_timings(samples)
(scipy.stats.ks_2samp(timings['test_fn_1'], timings['test_fn_2']),
 scipy.stats.ks_2samp(bt['test_fn_1'], bt['test_fn_2']))
(Ks_2sampResult(statistic=0.95569620253164556, pvalue=5.5872505324246181e-65),
 Ks_2sampResult(statistic=0.71199999999999997, pvalue=4.691029271698989e-223))